The hamlet of Couso was abandoned when Jose María Galán visited this beautiful source of the river Limia. In love with the place he decided to buy all the houses from their owners and convert them into a hotel with the help of an integral rehabilitation of the buildings, impeccably preserved in their original style. Fourteen houses, including the town hall, lodge 22 rooms along the course of the river.
The bakery in its stone building, has been reconstructed as well as the water mill The access to vehicles is forbidden, so from the parking one can circulate through the hamlet with no surprises, on a wide paved path which goes through the compound from many of the rooms one can hear the rumour of the river Limia which at night is lulling. Luminous rooms with wood and natural tones, greens and earth colours, Egyptian cotton and generous windows.
We are close to the Camino de Santiago and one can feel its atmosphere. We go for a walk towards the river springs and we can contemplate the hamlet from above. The pilgrims follow the plan to Santiago and looking west, we feel close to the Finis Terrae.